Essential Tips for Perfect Holiday Packing: Travel Light and Enjoy More

The holidays are a busy time for travelers. Remember to save room in the suitcase for gifts! Honey Fangs Photos
The holidays are a busy time for travelers. Remember to save room in the suitcase for gifts! Honey Fangs Photos

10 Practical Tips for Packing Light this Holiday Season

Written by Kaelie Piscitello

There’s nothing better than arriving at your final destination after a long day of travel and settling into your hotel with your entire trip spread out in front of you. If you’re like me, you’re tired from lugging your heavy suitcase all over the airport and don’t want to look at it for a while. You know you have overpacked, but you need to prepare for your trip.

Pack gift bags instead of boxes to save room. Freestocks Photos
Pack gift bags instead of boxes to save room. Freestocks Photos

The holidays are approaching, and so does the prospect of travel for many people. Whether you’re going away to see family or taking some much-needed relaxation time, you will need space to pack gifts in addition to the usual assortment of clothing and toiletries.

It might seem like a daunting task to try to find a place for everything, but these tips will help you along the way so you can have room for your gifts and personal belongings.

Start with the Essentials

First, make a packing list and write everything you will need with you at the top. Then, pack that along with the gifts you intend to bring. If you still have room, you can add some extra items. However, if you realize you do not have enough space for everything, maybe you should re-evaluate whether each “essential” is necessary.

Try purchasing flat gifts to save room in your suitcase. Mel Poole Photos
Try purchasing flat gifts to save room in your suitcase. Mel Poole Photos

Roll or Bundle Your Clothes

You can save space by rolling your clothes into paper towel roll shapes. This helps your clothes wrinkle less, and you will fit everything close together so you have more room to stack other items above or below the clothing.

Or Invest in Vacuum Sealed Bags

Vacuum-sealed bags can make a huge difference in what you can fit in a suitcase. I hadn’t thought to do this, but several of the other Fulbrighters had, and they brought so many more items across their luggage than those who had not. They can shrink all of your clothes down into one flat, compact package, and then you will have room to stack whatever gifts you need to bring alongside it.

Wear Your Bulkiest Items

Ship gifts for others to your destination and save suitcase space. Curology Photos
Ship gifts for others to your destination and save suitcase space. Curology Photos

The holidays mean cuddling up on the couch in a thick, cozy sweater or fluffy pajamas. It’s normal not to want to give that up when you travel during the season. Unfortunately, this kind of clothing takes up tons of room in suitcases, so wear your heaviest clothes while you travel!

It will make the journey much more comfortable, and after a quick wash in the hotel laundry machine, you can wear the cozy items all vacation if you wish,

Digital Copies are Your Best Friend!

Don’t take up room in your suitcase with bulky books! I get it; I love to read on vacation, too. However, unless you’re going to the beach, it makes more sense today to stock up on e-books on your phone or Kindle to save room in your carry-on bag.

While I understand the sentiment behind the touch of an actual book, you will have much more room for gifts to bring to your destination and home. Who knows? Someone may gift you a book to read on the way back!

Choose Versatile and Neutral Accessories

There's always more car space than plane space! Opt for a road trip this winter to bring more stuff! Denise Johnson Photos
There’s always more car space than plane space! Opt for a road trip this winter to bring more stuff! Denise Johnson Photos

The best tops and bottoms can go with anything. I love simple white and black tops, blue jeans, and my favorite black skirt. This type of clothing works well during travel because you can wear the same items repeatedly but dress them up with different scarves or skirts, allowing you to pack fewer items. Any neutral clothes are your best friend on the road and off.

Use Packing Cubes

Everyone hits the point on a trip where they can’t find anything they need because it gets buried at the bottom of their suitcase. Packing cubes can make a huge difference in organization and packing space.

For years, I didn’t try them because I didn’t think they would work, but then my aunt gifted me a set, and I gave it a try. It changed the game. I can now pack a few extra shirts with them and know where everything belongs.

Bring a backpack as your personal item and have more space in your checked bag. Dane Deaner Photos
Bring a backpack as your personal item and have more space in your checked bag. Dane Deaner Photos

Pack Gift Bags Instead of Boxes

Large boxes take up way too much room, and gift bags lend more flexibility. Pack the bags flat, separate them from the gift, and wrap everything when you arrive. This way, you can close your suitcase and not worry about whether you can fit the packaging.

Choose Flat, Light-weight Gifts

I get it; sometimes, you see the perfect, enormous gift. However, you will save more room in your suitcase if you bring smaller items. Photos take little room, and gift cards do, too. Bring a small package of lovely spices, tea, or fancy hot cocoa mix. Of course, some people will feel happy with a check, too. Remember to consider smaller gift options at the start of the holiday season to prepare for your upcoming trip.

Everyone appreciates money! Save space in your suitcase and give people what they REALLY want in a nice check. Isabella Fischer Photos
Everyone appreciates money! Save space in your suitcase and give people what they REALLY want in a nice check. Isabella Fischer Photos

Ship Gifts to Your Destination and Leave Room

Remember — you can always ship gifts to your destination ahead of time! Just tell the other people not to open anything in advance, and then you have your whole suitcase to pack for yourself! Just remember to leave room for any gifts given to you in return.


  • About Kaelie

    Kaelie is the editor of Postcard Getaway and travel lover. As an avid reader, Kaelie loves to draw inspiration from other travel writers and her personal experiences.

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